
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Isabelle at AGSF!

What a fun way to start 2014 by getting up early and heading to American Girl San Francisco to meet Isabelle! Husband slept in at home but my sister was ready to head out for an early morning New Year's Day adventure.

We arrived around 9am and there already was a small line forming in front of the store in advance of the 10am opening. We were approximately 40th in line. We could see through the front picture window all of the last minute set up of Isabelle's world by the staff. When the store opened, we were let in by groups of approximately fifty people and were in that first lucky group!

Isabelle looked just as sweet in person as she did on the website. 

And we loved her Mix & Match clothing line, especially her wrap, seen below, as well as her two skirts.

But her studio--the white armoire and sewing accessories--was a major highlight.

Overall the experience was spectacular. When we were let into the store at 10am the line was about 150 - 200 people long. When we left the store shortly before noon, the line had expanded to 200 - 250 people. Arriving early before the doors opened was definitely the right strategy for us.

Inside the store we experienced only lovely parents and well-behaved children and the atmosphere was bustling but never grabby or pushy. The check out line was long, but moved at a reasonable speed and the young woman who rang up my purchases made certain that I did not have any repeat items (unless purposeful), something important when dealing with lots of small boxes with single items inside.

We left with two large red bags full of darling Isabelle merchandise. Come back tomorrow for the start of a series of reviews of the Isabelle line!

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