
Sunday, December 14, 2014

AGPSF Flash: Project Runway Dresses!

Quick before they are gone, my local American Girl Place San Francisco has the winning look from this year's Project Runway and American Girl BeForever mashup episode displayed in their store. Many thanks to my sister who took time to take these photos in the middle of her holiday shopping at AGPSF!

The winning look, designed by Kini Zamora, was inspired by the dress from BeForever Samantha's Holiday Set.

Other looks from the Project Runway episode are also on tour. But be quick, because these dresses are due up at the American Girl Place store in Seattle by December 17th!

Below is the outfit inspired by BeForever Rebecca.

The black and red dress below was inspired by BeForever Josefina.

And the black jacket with the orange and pink dress inspired by BeForever Addy.

The cropped pants outfit was inspired by BeForever Kit.

And finally, the dress and with the fringed jacket was inspired by BeForever Kaya.

I am a big fan of Project Runway, so I was very excited about the episode. But if I am being very honest, many of the "inspired by" outfits created by the contestants missed the mark for me. Many of the color combinations were dreadful and the outfits themselves dowdy or downright strange (not all the completed outfits went on tour). 

The bright spot was Kini's winning look inspired by BeForever Samantha. Even so, I feel American Girl missed out on not putting the winning look for girls into production both for the 18" dolls and girls. I know I would have been in line for such a creation!

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