
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Waiting for Grace: A New Beauty!

We have a stunning new beauty to behold. Waiting for Grace, our GOTY 2015 is proving to be well worth the wait. I am most smitten by her combination of dark long hair and her blue eyes.

She is not a classic mold as I had predicted, but appears to be a light skinned Josefina mold. She has side swept bangs and feathered eyebrows. I also detect a hint of freckles.

I had intended for today's blog to make my prediction about what special extra accessory the doll would come with and I had decided it would be something for her hair. My guess was going to be either a single barrette or perhaps a fancy tie back to put her hair in a low pony tail. (My second guess was going to be a long and lightweight scarf.) Looking at the upper corner of her box, it looks like Grace's special in-box accessory may be two silver hair combs! This would be better than my guesses.

So far, Grace looks to be a real beauty and I must admit I am already making a space for her in my heart!

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