
Friday, December 19, 2014

Waiting for Grace: Posey Poses

Part of our Waiting for Grace activities have been simply enjoying all of my poppets and letting them select and wear their favorite holiday outfits, both new and old. I had promised Posey, my BeForever Samantha, that she would get a chance to take a twirl in her brand new holiday dress and the unveiling of the Gala Party Scene seemed like the perfect time.

Posey poses with her Christmas gift, Jip. The puppy is part of the new BeForever reimagining of Samantha Parkington's collection.

I just adore those cascading curls!

The velvet bow of her sash is actually pre-tied and only attached to the left side of the velcro back opening. I wish her pink Meet Outfit velvet sash and bow would have been constructed the same way as I am terrible at tying a good bow.

Her lace collar and yoke above the swirled black trim is a delicate contrast to the strong red-and-black plaid taffeta of her dress.

Posey and I had reserved judgement on the velvet boots trimmed with bows until she had a chance to wear them. We originally thought the velvet boots were too wrinkly and I questioned how well she could stand in the low heel. However, the boots have a more structure look once pulled on over the foot and calf and so far she has been able to keep her balance.

The new holiday dress from Samantha's collection is a winner largely because of the red-and-black plaid taffeta. The black velvet sash and boots are luxurious and all the other lace and trim details work in harmony. Posey is pleased! Will your Samantha be wearing taffeta, velvet and lace this holiday season?

(13 days! Less than two weeks!)

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