
Monday, January 12, 2015

WWOG: Paris Accessories

Grace Thomas' collection is somewhat unique in that it has two clothing based accessory sets. The first is the Welcome Gifts set which features Grace's pink beret. The other accessory set is her Paris Accessories set which features her polka-dot purse. While there are things to like in each set, neither is a major hit here--at the end of this post I will mix and match for a hypothetical perfect set.

The polka-dot purse construction and design are both great. The faux-leather strap is sturdy and the buckle construction looks realistic (though uses velcro for closure).

The purse is even lined and I very much appreciate that extra touch. I also appreciate how big and roomy this purse is--it feels like a purse made for travel. One could fit a map, a book, a camera, and all sorts of other touristy needs in it. 

However, my one complaint about the purse is that it is made of cotton, perhaps mimicking the coated cotton trend in upscale purses--but this polka-dot purse is primarily white and I am concerned about its ability to stay bright and white.

The Paris Accessories also comes with fingerless gloves with a bow detail.

The coin purse is underwhelming and cheaply constructed with a regular ribbon as a wristband. The coin purse does not close, so it is not a very realistic or practical mini purse. Even the metro pass barely fits into it.

I enjoy the credit card like metro pass as well as other similarly constructed offerings from AG such their library cards and bus passes.

Finally the set includes her lip gloss. I can not determine how or why it is that her lip gloss has her name on it. The cap does not come off, so this is a prop only. 

The lip gloss is cute, but it is primarily something to toss into her purse and forget... Though to be fair, when I was ten years old I was fairly obsessed with lip gloss. Anyone remember the giant sticks of Lip-Smackers by Bonne Bell in about ten thousand different flavors? How about the lip gloss sticks that came with attached chains and could be worn like necklaces?

The Paris Accessories are underwhelming overall, though the polka-dot purse is striking. In a similar way, I was also underwhelmed by Welcome Gifts set. If I could create a perfect small accessories set for Grace Thomas, it would consist of

*raspberry colored beret (matching Grace's Meet skirt and similar to Ivy's beret)
*raspberry or gray infinity scarf
*polka-dot purse
*working wallet or better constructed coin purse
*Metro card & euros

As is, with both of Grace's accessory sets I almost can create this perfect set. I am off to Etsy to search for an infinity scarf!


  1. Thank you for the review. I loved lip-smackers; I still have a ton of lip balm and glosses in my purses. I understand what you mean about the white would have been nicer in a faux leather or a black or khaki or red canvas.

  2. If I were to choose which accessory set to buy I would buy the Paris accessories because there's a matching one for girls. This accessory set is similar to Isabelle's in a way with the gloves and purse.

  3. I also think the Paris Accessories are more of the core of the GOTY line, especially because of its similarity to Isabelle's Accessories. But it was near impossible for me to pass up on that beret from the Welcome Gifts set. I was fortunate to not have to choose, but if I had to, I would have gotten the Welcome Gifts (because of the beret!) and then perhaps handcrafted a simple canvas black and white cross-body purse/messenger bag.
