
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Contemporary Series: Everything We Speculate About Tenney Grant (Part II)

Note! Speculations about the new Contemporary Characters Series and the character Tenney Grant are both well grounded and completely uncertain. Take everything that follows as fun speculation! See Part I here.

Could this be the start of a mix-and-match wardrobe for Tenney?

The connecting country western themes in this speculated collection are ruffles, plaids, lace and a strong presence of embroidered features, especially flowers.

Ruffles & Embroidery. The embroidered top has a country flowers theme and could belong to Tenney but also could be a Julie outfit. 

Top Stitching. The jeans skirt has shiny faux pearl snaps down the front, a very country western detail. The top stitching also adds a western flair.

Embroidered Flowers. What's not to absolutely love about these embroidered flower sandals? If not for a Tenney mix-and-match collection, these sandals would be a welcome addition to many poppet wardrobes.

Lace. This simple lace top is a late find and could be part of some other collection but I just think this could work great in Tenney's wardrobe.

Country Western. If this pleather skirt is not part of Tenney's collection (or whomever is the country western girl) I will eat those cute embroidered flowers sandals from above! The pattern work is wonderful. Note the vanity tag on the lower edge of the skirt.

Plaid. Here are the plaids in the developing color palette for Tenney (spring greens, blues, yellows) and while some speculate it will be for the rumored first AG boy character, I am still of a mind that there will be no boy and even if this is part of a boy's wardrobe that Tenney will have to steal it for her own closet.

Ruffles, Plaid and faux Embroidery. These pajamas (note vanity tag) also seem to be custom made for a country western themed Tenney Grant.

All we are missing are some amazing country western boots for an almost complete Tenney wardrobe. BOOTS, AG! Need some boots!

What do you think? Will this all be for the Contemporary Character Tenney Grant to be released sometime in 2017? Or will some/all of the above be for the rumored 2017 Gabriela McBride? Gabriela is rumored to be a tap dancer and the clothing pieces above do not seem to mesh with that sub-theme. Or maybe all of the above is simply stand alone pieces for the Truly Me line with no specific character in mind?

My take is that if there is no Tenney Grant released nexr year that one could easily create a wonderful country western girl from Tennessee with the above pieces--so it is a win no matter which way it all turns out. But doesn't Tenney sound like fun?


  1. I really like all the pieces no matter who they end up being for. I do wish though that the skirts (and dresses when there's dresses) were a bit longer though. If I had to choose a favourite- it would be the embroidered white blouse.

  2. Clearly not a boy definately a mountain girl I'm guessing Tennessee. While this means the name isn't that creative her style fits the area. And I'm hopping they will put out a new horse! She is a bit too country for my tastes.

  3. All of these leaks look so cool! I wonder if Tenney is just a code name...
