
Monday, December 12, 2016

A Peek Into GOTY 2017 Gabriela's World

Just 20 more days until GOTY 2017! More stock images have leaked of Gabriela McBride and her accessories.

Gabriela's Pajamas. Gabriela definitely has a strong color scheme of teal, blues and purples emerging. So far her 3-color color palette is a bit of a "single chord" being played over and over.

I am still looking for any individualistic design touches, like Grace's hearts and bows or Isabelle's flourishes and swoops. The best I can identify from seeing Gabriela's outfits so far is the inspirational texts such as "Dream" on her meet tee and "Imagine, Dream, Create" on her pajamas--though visually this does not satisfy me.

Lunch Box Accessories. Looks like a lunch bag, mini hair kit, and mid-day healthy snack. Bobby pins a must, but nothing else to really see here.

Gabriela's Tap Shoes. These are cute. Very cute. They likely go with the black and purple sequined jazz outfit. Really cute tap shoes. I am so not into tap. Arg.

Gabriela's Kitten. I have seen photos of this kitten next to other AG pets and this grey cat is teensy tiny. Probably around the size of BeForever Rebecca's kittens, so definitely a kitten and not a cat. 

While Gabriela is darling, it is a bit disappointing that so far the only piece of her collection of clothing and accessories I am interested in so far is the kitten. And the little black sequin dress if that ends up being in her collection. The rest of the dance pieces do not stand out to me at this time.

1 comment:

  1. You’ve got some interesting points in this article. I would have never considered any of these if I didn’t come across this. Thanks!.
