
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Pajamas Puzzle!

Pajamas for whom?

Gabriela? Tenney? Or perhaps a new Truly Me release for this spring?

Part of me thinks this is a Truly Me release--the clear hard plastic vanity tag may be a hint in that direction.

I am a bit surprised by the hot air balloon theme because it reminds me so much of GOTY Saige's theme. However, purple might not be the best color for Saige so I don't think I would adopt this outfit for her. (I need to see if any of my other poppets might be interested in this set.)

Cute print on the pajamas pants, but my favorite part is the colorful slippers with embroidered flowers. (I sort of wish the the pajamas had just stuck with the flowers theme.)

Cute slippers. So cute.

1 comment:

  1. I wish these had been Saige's pajamas. My Saige may need these anyway. :)
