
Sunday, January 1, 2017

Budget Boxing: Sewed Bad

 Ut oh.

Image used with permission.

Today began actual customer interaction with AG's new packaging for the 18" poppet line and not all was well. Note the prominent holes in the lower right of the pajamas tank.

Apparently Gabriela's clothing in the new large front window style boxes is secured in part with a sewn stitch--and at least for one customer the threads left large holes in the tiny garment.

Photo curtesy of Aryn Bedrick

Gabriela's PJs are secured in place in part by the cardboard internal sleeves but also by a thread which goes through the slippers and several layers of the pajamas fabric.

Photo curtesy of Aryn Bedrick

While inevitably there will be some issues that arise with any launch of new products and new packaging, these unsightly and damaging holes in the doll clothing are a known and predictable issue when using this method of securing contents with stitching.

Photo curtesy of Aryn Bedrick

For this kind of "ordinary" large box-store packaging and the potential damage caused by the stitch method of securing the clothing inside the box, the question I am forced to ask is how does American Girl continue to defend its premium pricing?

Gabriela's Pajamas above are priced at $24. For about half that amount one can purchase the Our Generation brand Counting Puppies pajamas. The OG pajamas retail for $12.99 and the set comes with a bonus stuffed puppy.

American Girl is probably holding its breath with Gabriela's world of budget Barbie boxes and wondering if it can get away with sewing its items into budget packaging and selling it at premium prices. 


  1. Oh I saw plenty of comments on the AG facebook page discussing this issue, it will certainly have an effect on their consumer base. I really just don't understand why they can't simply make the changes we've all been suggesting for years (more diversity, lower prices, new stuff like the forearm crutches and such) instead of trying all these desperate, last-minute tactics.

  2. I completely agree...the worst packaging! I have tried to comment on this issue on a number of YouTube channels, only to find my comments removed.:( I don't understand why we can't talk about's a quality issue that should be discussed.:( Do you think this packaging is for stores like Toy "R" they can't be opened at the store?

    1. I do think theft reduction and not opening the boxes in the TRU stores is one issue, but if it was the only issue AG would have just put a few of those clear round stickers to seal the edges of the box opening to keep the boxes sealed. I think the clear-window style is also to compete "on the shelves" side by side with other doll brands in TRU--their classic and plain box style likely did not "pop" visually to their satisfaction.

  3. I agree totally. The packaging only looks good in the store at home it is trash, and not good for storage. The package has been lowered Walmart/Targret Standards.But the extremely expensive American Girl Brand Doll Prices. I was so hurt to find that Melody's Studio waa 40% percent off the Day after Christmas, and that is a lost time my Family of $108.00 with that one item alone!!! We have most of Melody's Collection and just could not stand to calculate the totally amount t of devaluation that a 40 percent off Sale caused. I really wish the CEO of American Girl Brand Doll Company would go shopping at Target and Walmart. And make the same comparisons you have shared. I just called customer service and spent 27 minutes on the phone saying this same thing. I asked them to please share it with management. THEY HAVE DEVALUED THE COMPANY GREATLY THUS HURTING THE LOYAL CUSTOMERS TO HELP THEM BUILD THE COMPANY. I HEARD CUSTOMERS IN THE STORE SAY WELLIEWISHERS WERE $24 ON CLEARANCE YESTERDAY AT KHOLS.

    1. Good for you! It is important that AG gets direct feedback from customers. Sometimes it is hard to see, but customer concerns often do get addressed. I am just not sure what AG's long term plan is right now, but I am hoping they can course correct! (WellieWishers for $24? I would have bought all 5 at that price!! So far I have resisted, though I do think they are super cute)

  4. Disgusting and SAD. I spoke to a source at an AGplace and she said that the new boxes are the future of ALL dolls at AG. DOing this, selling these dolls at discount clearence prices at other stores in horrible "Barbie boxes" is ruining the brand. AG is popular but it will NOT remain popular when the entire line is suddenly seen in every store in gawdy packaging where the "AG isle" is trashed and boxes are torn...the new boxes look like walmart/Target merchandise AND the new clothing for Gabriela looks like junk as well. The dolls themselves are still beautiful, but the dolls are the only quality items left! All the sturdy items are quietly dissapearing, being replace by 100% plastic junk. I may purchase another doll, but I WILL NOT be buying ANY clothing items or acessories that come in those wretched new boxes...EVER! I can get better quality clothes than the ones in Gabriela's' collection at Target and AMAZING stuff on Etsy for much less...SERIOUSLY, Etsy or classic AG from Ebay will be getting all my money that would have gone to the AG place that is 5 miles from my house. The boxes are such a HUGE DEAL BREAKER and the fact that the contents of these new boxes is garbage is noticeable as well. Another thing I wanted to mention about Gabriela's collection is that, on the bright ugly box containing Gabriela's cat, you can read it says "Gabriela's Cat" I searched and searched the box for the name of that kitty and it wasn't there. EVERY NAMED doll in AG history who has ever had a pet has had a pet with a real name...NOT "Gabriela's Cat" though. What is AG thinking!?

  5. You are so right. And that ridiculous November name for the Cat and no Mini to match. Yes American Girl Brand Doll, We noticed!!!!!!!!!

  6. It's interesting AG has moved in this direction with packaging. Most of the bloggers I see un-box products packaged with the stitching complain about it. I don't like it either. The OG items I get can take forever to open and get into play rotation. And I don't get noticeable holes in the OG clothing.

    Many collectors like having the original packaging to retain value of the item. This type of packaging does not lend itself well for that. :(

    I think her cat is cute and has a nice name. Maya is lovely; like Maya Angelou. If any pet showed a lack of imagination it's Melody Ellison's. I like her little dog, but he belongs in the White House. Many times the names are not included in the packaging, but are in the stories. I only recently found out Kirsten's mamma cat's name is Missy; the kitten is still unnamed. Rebecca's collection only note Rebecca's kittens on the box.

    I completely agree that the AG R&D department should really start listening to customer feedback. Businesses remain strong by retaining existing customers as well as inviting in new customers. The economic laws of supply and demand are no longer in Mattel's favor. When they took over Pleasant, the number of quality 18" dolls on the market was limited and they could demand the prices for their quality products.

    1. I agree totally. The is company is really insane in it's behavior to me, becasue they are ignoring the voices of educated women,with real buying power. They Loyal Ladies and Moms of American Girl have a real good understanding of the business word. We can choose to support Etsy for custom clothes for Our American Girl Brand Dolls if we want too and cause them to blow up, while American Girl Brand goes down the tube with there Executive level greed.I love the company but, it foes not feel tget love me back. The amount invested by most collectors like my self would look much better in a College Fund. I just really fell hard for them 4 years ago, when the word sale of 40% off 1 day after Christmas on newly released merchandise was unheard of. Imagine 250 for Melody's Studio on 8-27 and 12 -27 it is 40%off. My 6 year old could have waited to get it on sale and presented on MLK Day OR Presidents or Valentine's. I was mortified. And having a Friendly relationship with the Store, means you do return and rebuy, you just take the kick in the gut.

    2. I hope you are not too hard on yourself, Maxine! No one has been able to predict sale patterns at AG for the past several years other than Cyber Monday. My kids are grown now so this obsession is all on me with no more thoughts of family or college funds. Enjoy your girl while she is young! I know once my two were in the last bits of middle school the years zoomed by so fast I could not believe it! 13 - 18 happened in what felt like a mere 6 months, lol!

    3. Thanks. I understand you. I HAVE 5 KID'S, 4TH ONE of 5 JUST FINISHED College December 17th from University of North Texas and is looking forward to Law School at UT this Year in the Fall. And another is completing a Master and planning for Summer Graduation. So another Road trip. You are so right it goes too fast. Making sure to enjoy every moment with this 5th Child and Our 3 Grandson's. I wonder why the Stores don't have any events planned for the year either. My Daughter is really enjoys Store Events. I have scheduled my 50th Birthday Party there for March. Sure hope they can get something special going for Valentine's Day. Since 2013 we have always loved going to the Store for Our Daughter's Treat after School on Valentines. I really am missing the Mini for The Doll of The Year Year. I bet the Merchants like Target who sell them, also miss those items to offer their Customers too. Thanks for sharing all you know about what happening. This year the Blogs means a lot to Us American Girl Brand Doll Fans.

    4. Correction on previous comment, a good relationship with the Store staff, means you don't return items thst go on sale 40% off, you just feel bad. I can't imagine why newly released items from Melody Collection would have gone on 40% off, it seems like it would cause others to wait till it goes on sale again. 40% percent off is pretty unforgettable.
