
Friday, January 6, 2017

Poppet Peeks: Updates on Felicity

BeForever Felicity in just 5 more weeks!

All images curtesy of Rachel Koppleberger

The current set of unconfirmed information for Felicity remains largely the same.

* Felicity is to debut on February 9th
* She will be available online and in flagship stores Chicago, NYC and LA
* She will have some launch events, presumably just at the flagship stores (perhaps a craft or small give away?)

No word yet if she or her collection will be offered in the new box styles but the rumor is that ALL AG dolls and doll lines will eventually be moved to the new box styles.

An alternative rumor is that only Felicity's book/s will be released on the 9th and the doll debut delayed until August. 

The rumored meet dress has a wonderful brocade pattern stitched into the fabric.

The underskirt is an attached panel and not separate from the overdress, which is a move away from the more realistic two-piece construction some of Felicity's earlier outfits.

The shoes are definitely left-shoe and right-shoe constructed and seem very similar in construction quality to Felicity's original meet shoes.

Overall, Felicity's meet outfit seems to be a strong effort with striking fabric choices. The dress seems quite grand for a daughter of a general store merchant but I am more than willing to give it narrative leeway. There has not been any other leaked outfits yet, so it does leave me wondering if it will be Felicity + a Collection or perhaps just a "special edition" doll without any extra outfits.

At this point I am mostly on pins and needles wondering if American Girl will mar BeForever Felicity' launch with the new box style.

Thank you again to Rachel Koppleberger for sharing her glorious find with us at Poppets & Posies!


  1. Thanks for the info. I love the dress! Eva and I are super excited to see the new Felicity! I have to run around the house finding things to sell to buy her. 😜

    1. Felicity does seem to have a lot of excitement around her! Do you think she (the doll) will debut in February or just her books?

      I know AG likes to keep its launches a surprise but they seem to either under or over do it--leaving everyone guessing until a day or two before or release the book and make everyone wait 6 more months for the doll (aka Melody).

  2. I'd like to correct you. Felicity is NOT the daughter of a shoe maker. She is a merchants daughter her father ran a "general store". She also is NOT being released in February her book is. Same as Melody last year. Her book will be available for 6 months prior to Felicity being released in August. Please correct your information on this blog.

    1. Hi AnnieW, thanks for your comments! I will correct the storyline error for certain! I am going to leave up the "February 9" release date for the doll as the prominent rumor until someone with inside sources (feel free to email me at or whom I have seen with a good track record of sharing rumors offers up a better sourced rumor :) It is always a guessing game here, no slight is meant to others with different information.

    2. Great reply. Not is certain with American Girl Brand Doll anymore for me.

  3. Love this incredible garment. Sure pray it comes in a nice box. I desperately hate the new packaging. Thanks for sharing

  4. AS for "Too rich for a general store daughter" think of Nellie from Little House -- she certainly seemed to be the richest girl in town, with the best clothes.

  5. Um, why is she wearing Snow White's gown? It's more ornate, but those are the colors.

    1. Snow White is a classic so I imagine the AG designers are happy when their designs resonate in this way. I don't quite have that flashback to Snow White but I see what you mean now that you mention it!

  6. It's not only too grand for the character but also 10+ years too forward in style! It is gorgeous though if anyone has an early Federal era character (post Rev-War to War of 1812), it would be perfect for her.

    1. Thank you for sharing your expert eye and knowledge! Something about the dress did not quite meld with her earlier collection but I had no understanding of what that might be. I do like the dress but I am still quite partial to her earlier collection. Thanks again!

  7. I'm really unhappy that the doll is only available at the flagships. I *have* my original Felicity doll, so I don't need the doll, but I was hoping her collection would be available here in Columbus. Sigh.
