
Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Tenney & Taylor: A Perfect Duo

Tenney's Accessories which features her poppet-sized guitar is amazing! AG teamed up with Taylor guitars and everyone wins.

Tenney's guitar is just too beautiful. The flowers and bird stencil design on the front of the guitar over the gorgeous shade of robin's egg blue is stunning. I could stare at and enjoy this lovely design forever. 

I have the guitar propped up on the guitar/accessory stand from her Stage & Dressing Room set. The stand also works with her banjo (and her tambourine), so I bought a second stand from the secondary market so both my mini stringed instruments has a safe display option.

The wires are metallic and make a little plink when touched. The tuning pegs turn though do not tune the strings.

The three buttons each play a separate tune when pressed. I loved this guitar even before this amazing feature. The tunes are authentic and kudos to the artist and team who composed and chose this set of tunes for the guitar.

Batteries required! An on/off switch on the left back can help from accidental play, though each tune self-stops after playing its own tune.

The mini guitar by AG is $34, which is a fraction of what the girl-sized American Girl GS Mini by Taylor is selling for...

In all honesty, if I played the guitar or even just had aspirations to learn how to play the guitar, I would already be trying to figure out how to bring this gorgeous full-sized guitar home with me.

Or if I had an eight-year-old daughter (mine is grown) or an eight-year-old granddaughter (none yet) this would be on my spring fling list of gifts to buy. 

Well done, AG and Taylor! I hope the sales are robust and we might see similar collaborations in the future.

While I must pass on the larger guitar, the poppet-sized guitar is home with us and well loved!

For all the worries and disappointments over the recent drop in the quality of construction and materials of the AG 18" dolls, this guitar (and its mate, the beautiful banjo) is amazing and showcases everything that originally made me an AG fanatic--excellent, realistic details and gorgeous design. 


  1. Thank you for your review. this was great. I had no idea the guitar played tunes! That's really neat.

  2. I bought the guitar for my (eight-year-old) daughter along with Tenney right after she came out. My daughter LOVES that guitar. She sits on the couch and strums it all the time, Tenney doesn't get her hands on it nearly as much. My daughter has been playing viola at school but she very much wants the big guitar.I'm thinking about it, it's a lot of money.

  3. I somehow missed it entirely when this full size guitar came out and now they are gone. My daughter is learning to play and if anyone has one for sale we’d snap it up in a heartbeat
