
Thursday, July 20, 2017

Nanea Updates

Nanea will be released soon though it is not clear exactly her debut date. For a short time it was rumored her release would be pushed off until later fall, but now the dates of August 21 or August 24 are most common.

A sneak peek of Nanea's Market was spotted on a Good Morning America segment. Some screen shots!

The screen shots are blurry but what we can make out is the market is bright pink, lime and a burnt orange. It may be a tri-fold construction. It seems to include a cash register.

Like some of the other recent structures (Grand Hotel), the height of the piece is a bit low, barely taller than the doll itself. The saving grace is the Market has a decorative center front piece wall that is taller which helps to add impact, but I really hope AG stops scrimping on structure heights.

My note about the colors. Many will argue that Hawaii buildings are often pink--but I think AG missed out on a chance to make the Market appear like a "real" building with quaint features that just happen to be painted pink. Instead, the Market looks like it lacks details and surface textures and is a bunch of flat, plastic surfaces in bright colors.

It matters to add detailing grooves to the plastic molds to simulate wood, wood joints, nail holes, and other subtle touches to the molds vs just a bunch of flat shiny plastic surfaces. The details make the plastic bearable--for a good example check out the molded details of Tenney's "wooden" floor of her stage:

Unfortunately, so far it looks like the Market is missing these kinds of details. I hope I am wrong!

Sneak peek wise I am disappointed. Too small, too short, too "toy" like in appearance, and probably lacking in subtle details to bring more realism into the set piece.


  1. This was very, very informative. I never want to know exactly how much I spent. Lol........... Great News report. I loved it. Going share it with all my Friends.

  2. Barbie ... I hope I'm wrong!
