
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Stars and Moons! Seeking Luciana

Who is Luciana? Where is she from? What will be her themes, stories, and adventures? Her wardrobe and accessories?

Could this tee be for Luciana?

Photocredit @butik_boneka_andfir

In favor for it being Luciana's tee is that the building facades look like the old style "Spanish" facades from places like San Antonio. The stars, while an American Girl nod to their own logo, also point toward this tee depicting Texas which often uses the star in its logos and themes.

Two big states for space industry are Florida and Texas, but considering we recently have Maryellen from Florida, having Luciana's story set in Texas makes a whole lot of sense!

Finally, with a big thank you to "dollsbetweenus"--Luciana is Spanish origin and means "light of the moon." How perfect! It all seems to fit together that perhaps is Luciana is not only of Hispanic and/or Spanish heritage and that she loves space, space travel, astronomy--but that her story takes place in a state where Spanish and Hispanic culture is so integral to its history.

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