
Thursday, December 6, 2018

GOTY 2019: Blaire's Book Cover

Ahhhh, so sweet!

"Blaire is helping to plan a wedding at her family's farm and inn, but it's a lot to handle!" 192 pages.

Looks like green eyes with medium length curly red or auburn hair with lovely highlights streaked throughout.


  1. I hope her collection is just as pretty as this cover. Any thoughts on the big ticket item?

    1. Photos just hit social media, will be posting in a few minutes!!

  2. I hope she doesn't look too much like #61, I'm getting that doll for christmas. Wonder if she will come in that outfit? It's kind of sad that we've gone back to white girls though instead of exploring more latino or black characters, but I'm used to it.

    1. Just because she might look like #61 doesn't mean you shouldn't get her.I think it's wrong when people either not get a doll or sell them because they look alike. They are not true collectors. I have 87 American Girl Dolls, with seven coming for Christmas, which is 94 and the three I'm getting in my February 2019 three-doll shopping spree will make 97, and I have lots that look alike, I even have two of the same of three of my dolls, and that's never bothered me. I'm getting every American Girl doll ever made some day. I have #61, her name's Magdalen and I got her with twelve other dolls for my nineteenth birthday last year. I saved up for all of them. So don't call me spoiled. I work hard to get AG dolls with my own money. I have some as gifts, but I get most of them myself.

    2. Besides. As much as I'd like there to be more diverse dolls, there hasn't been a redhead since Saige in 2013. Maybe next year in 2020 we'll have an Asian Girl of the Year, perhaps even an Asian BeForever pretty soon! I don't mean to sound racist, but WASP's make up most of the U.S. Population, although there are far more people in the world that are NOT European. I'm French American via my mom's side, and I think I have a Cherokee ancestor on my dad's side. I have all kinds of diverse friends AND I write about diverse characters. I have six African American main characters, four of whom are quadruplets, one Chinese American and one South American when it comes to non-whites. As for others that aren't WASP either, I have an Irish girl and an Italian girl. You will see a lot of diversity in my books. I have published my first one back in late August of this year, it's called The Carter Twins and the Mystery of Aqua Star Island by Jade Starletia (My pen name!). It's set in 1966 and 1967 and I actually finished that book years ago. I have a Create Your Own doll based on my main character, Miranda, who is six in Book 1! I finished it in 2013 at the age of fifteen after starting it at thirteen in 2012. I have finished five other books, which include Books Two, Three, Four and Five of the Carter Twins series, all set in 1967-1968, 1968-1969, 1969-1970 and 1970-1971 respectively, in which Miranda is seven, eight, nine and ten years old. I also finished another book from another series, it's called Alder Cases 1: The Ghosts of Oak Woods (1988-1989) and it will be my second book and will be out in 2020, although it was the third book I finished. I am now working on the sixth Carter Twins, which is set in 1971-1972 and Miranda is now eleven. Hopefully, in 2020, in addition to publishing my second book, I'll also be able to FINALLY finish the second book in the Alder Cases series, which I have been working on for THREE YEARS!!!! Sorry if you think I talk too much.

    3. There's a book I'm starting soon, maybe in a month or something, and it's going to be called The Haunting of Starlight Girl, whom I already decided is going to be a Native American ghost girl. All my books are with ghosts AND are mysteries AND are historical fiction, all taking place in America's history between 1607 and 1999, the year after I was born. In 2020, I'll start books between 2000 and 2002, in 2023 books between 2003 and 2006 and 2030 between 2007 and 2009. Well, you can see the pattern. ;D Back to The Haunting of Starlight Girl. I have also decided that I will be introducing my first Native American main character. I already have some names planned, but don't know which one. Sooooooo, I love AG dolls AND writing! In fact, it was AG that inspired me to write historical mysteries along with Nancy Drew! I have a category on haunted dolls, maybe someday they'll be about AG dolls, of course I will make it perfectly clear that I will NOT be doing it to discredit AG in anyway! I LOVE dolls! I have porcelain ones too, which will mostly be in my doll series.

  3. Someone predicted she would look like this. She is TOTALLY on my third three-doll shopping spree on February 2019! I'm also going to be getting #60, although I'm not sure whether my third doll will be #25, #39, #40, #52 or #54. Maybe I'll get a fourth before the shopping spree like I did with Gabriela on my first shopping spree back in 2017. There was talk of her retiring, and now she is, and she was one of the dolls I intended to get her back, but after my dad and I called American Girl, I ordered her online. But when I went there to get Melody, Tenney and #66 (Lavender), whom I got instead of Gabriela after I ordered her online. But turns out, at the time, there were lots of Gabriela dolls, so if I wanted to get her that day, I would have been lucky! The first three-doll shopping spree was on February 23rd 2017, the second on February 27th 2018, and this year it will be February 26th 2019, with next year's being on February 29th 2020, the leap day since 2020 will be a leap year!

  4. Now, I'm a little different, you may never have seen anything like this before, but in my ghost stories, I have what I call sub-series', which is a series within a series and so on. You see, I CAN'T STAND cliches and stereotypes! I will have a lot of things in my books that are not really in other books that much, if at all. E.G. Seven-year-old main characters because I love the number seven, multiple births, other haunted locations that not that many writer's think of, such as ballet studios, ice skate rinks and gymnastic clubs, all three being inspired by the previous Girl of the Year dolls, 2014's Isabelle, 2008's Mia and 2012's McKenna. I'm also thinking of starting a haunted artist studio category because of Saige, because I loved her story and movie and the number 13 since her year was 2013! Some people think that 13 is unlucky, but for me it's VERY LUCKY!!!! Of course, in some cases it will be used as an unlucky number to an advantage but most of the time in my books it will be a lucky number along with seven. There will also be bigger multiple births too, such as triplets, septuplets and ones that people haven't even though of such as tredecuplets (thirteen babies)! Because of that, there are more people in my little universe than in real life. Even Miranda is a twin! I did some writing on tredecuplets and septuplets earlier this evening with my cat and best friend Spatch sleeping on my lap, and she probably whispered some ideas in my head. Because I'm best friends with a cat, I also have cat ghost stories. Seriously, there aren't enough of them out there. There's a lot of dog stories out there, and while I have nothing against dogs, their barking hurts my ears because I was born with Asperger's Syndrome, and I can tell you I'm not the only one in the AG community who has that. ALL my main characters are under twenty-one, with most being between ages seven and thirteen, and they all have Asperger's, like me, along with a few other characters. I also have a fashion, model and beauty queen category. And a cars category, because I LOVE cars!!! I know that not a lot of girls, especially from my generation, are into that, but I think cars are awesome. It's about haunted cars, like Christine in Stephen King, but a lot more child and family friendly. I have a few "Carrie's" in my books, but unlike her, they actually HAVE a happy ending. So if there are any kids here, Stephen King might be a little much for you. I know that there are some things in there that upset me that I'd rather not mention as to not upset anyone. So, yeah, I have lots of awesome things when it comes to writing. I hope you find the chance to read Miranda's first story, and hopefully my future books because thanks to AG, I am a writer! Back when I was eleven, I brought practically ALL the Historical Character books with me when I went camping in Deception Pass (It's in Washington state, where I live!). I finished all of Felicity's, Molly's and Kaya's books in ten days! Since 2015, I have been getting the BeForever Mysteries and finishing them during the trip at Deception Pass. I really hope that the mysteries for 2019 will leak soon! So yeah. You know some things about me. Hope this didn't bore you!

  5. And also, most of my main characters are going to be redheads, a lot of them with long, red curly hair, blue eyes and freckles!
