
Friday, July 2, 2021

RRFF: A July Mystery?

UPDATED: See bottom for new info as it is released!

This patriotic looking girl has popped up without commentary twice on Happily Ever After's fan group on Facebook. Will she be a new limited edition offered this summer? USA's Fourth of July or perhaps France's Independence Day on July 14th?

Or maybe she is a bit of a Japanese nod to Sailor Moon and/or Japanese school girl outfits. Love the kawaii purse with a plushy bunny friend inside.

July 5th Update: Our mystery girl is named Arana.


  1. Hmmm... this is the first time I have seen her! I think she's ADORABLE! And agree that that purse is pretty darn cute!!!

    1. I am not a fan of red-white-blue outfits, just a quirk of mine. The color combo is a summer-time classic so many will love it, but for me, it is the unique wig that might win me over.

  2. j'aime beaucoup son adorable perruque et sa tenue petite fille bises

  3. merci de nous dire où la trouver je ne la vois nulle part ?

    1. The doll is not yet for sale. (La poupée n'est pas encore à vendre.)

  4. je n'arrive pas à vous contacter personnellement pourriez vous m'écrire svp merci d'avance sur votre blog pourriez vous svp me contacter avec mon mail que vous avez dans mon inscription merci d'avance j'attends de vos nouvelles
