
Thursday, January 8, 2015

AGPSF Flash: A Sleepy Quiet After the Storm

Today I had business in Palo Alto so I decided to stop by AGPSF. What a difference a week makes! It was lovely to be able to shop the store while it was fairly quiet--no lines, no crowds, no crush around the new displays. I am fairly certain there were more sales associates and staff on the floor than customers!

There is not much new to report about Grace Thomas at the store, though I did get a chance to go upstairs and see her displays on the second floor (I avoided going upstairs on January 1st). I can not recall seeing Isabelle having displays on both floors last year at AGPSF.

Upstairs I noticed that MyAG 61 and MyAG 47 appear to be temporarily out of stock.

I did enjoy having peace and quiet to examine some of the new MyAG items which were quietly put in stores after Christmas and which are now also available online as well.

I spent some time scoping out the new Sit & Snooze Fold-Out-Bed for my twins Annika and Ingrid, though the price seems steep for the three piece set.

The lavender color is my favorite and I am in love with the sweater-knit blanket. It looks like something my mother or grandmother would have made at one time.

The felt flower-blossom pillow is a bit odd in terms of texture, though looks nice. I think the pillow just misses in the comfort department. The pillow base is spongy enough, but I can't imagine laying my head on the felt petals. However, even with all of these reservations, my birthday is next month and I keep coming back to considering this set.

And now for the AG Question of the Month. Lovely Leopard PJs: Lovely or Ugly?

I can't decide if the Lovely Leopard PJs are a tacky, hideous mess, or perhaps so tacky and so hideous as to be terrific. I ask my readers: Fuzzy leopard hearts shorts? Are they a marvel or a mess?

The pink top is cute, if a bit snug. I have also come to accept the bizarre pink tulle fringe. 

I think my biggest hesitation for purchasing the Lovely Leopard PJs stems from the felt hearts tacked onto the slippers. I absolutely love most of AG's fuzzy doll slippers, but these look a bit odd, like the hearts were last minute addition. I rarely (very rarely) alter AG clothing--but I am wondering if I could find cuter heart shaped objects with which to decorate these slippers.

Like the Sit & Snooze Fold-Out-Bed, I will think on the Lovely Leopard PJs this until my birthday trip to AGPSF next month.

I'd love to hear from my readers! What do you think of the Lovely Leopard PJs?

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