
Thursday, January 8, 2015

WWOG: French Bakery - Part II

If AG's website is any indication, the French Bakery is probably meeting sales expectations as it is on backorder until February 13th. The bakery will be interesting to keep an eye on because its success or failure could give indications for big ticket items (BTIs) in the future. Also note the Pastry Cart, which went onto backorder almost immediately upon its release, has since returned.

There is so much to unpack and look at in Grace's French Bakery! Today we are going to start by looking closely at the first goodie bag (there are three total). This goodie bag was pulled out of the first interior box.

I am curious about AG's claims of the bakery having over 60 accessories. In this first goodie bag alone we have 20 items, though I am counting the small pile of Euros as a single item.

First out of the bag is a sadly crushed two-sided poster. The poster fits in a frame on the wall inside of the French Bakery, though I have not tried it yet. I am hoping the poster will straighten over time inside the frame, but either way, this poster needed to be packed better for transport to our homes.

The second side of the poster.

Many of the paper products, such as the torte boxes above and the cupcake holder below, are almost identical to the paper products found in the Pastry Cart, just with slight variation in color or the addition/subtraction of the store name.

Above: a macarons box. Below: baguette paper wrappers.

The flour and sugar boxes are empty (not weighted).

A cute milk carton--count the hearts!

The hot pad is cute and features a stylized bow pattern.

This pastry bag is pretty much identical one offered in an earlier AG baking set.

If the menus look familiar, it is because they are almost identical to the single menu offered inside of the Apron Giveaway in the first days of Grace Thomas' launch. The cover above features a new image, but the actual menu on the flip side below is identical.

The recipe cards are a mini stroke of genius. Perhaps the Grace Thomas midsummer release will feature a doll sized and girl sized recipe box?

Well, at least now we have 25 euros for doing business, but no ability to give change. More paper money, please! The euros, like the dollars with the Pastry Cart set, are printed on one side only.

Love the shopping bags, but the same complaint and request: more, please! At least 4 - 6 for a set of this size.

Finally, the closed sign. Very cute, made of firm cardboard. I do wish this, like the store hanging sign, would have been made of painted metal. A few extra touches would have taken this French Bakery from a fantastical children's toy and elevated it into near heirloom quality.

Next up: the "large" appliances and serving counter!

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