
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

WWOG: French Bakery!

The French Bakery has been calling from the other room for days so I decided to see how far I could get into the box and packaging before I'd need a second set of hands for maneuvering it. Grace Thomas is quite eager to see her French Bakery again as well!

The dimensions of the packing box are 26 7/8" H x 38" W x 18 7/8 D and the box and contents weigh 51.5 pounds. A single person can heft and carry this box, but because of its bulk, it is awkward to say the least. I'll just cut open the top seam...

After opening the top of the box and removing two pieces of styrofoam, I decided I could gently tip the box on its side and slide the French Bakery out.

The bottom of the box once the bakery is removed--I plan to save the box and all packing materials.

The French Bakery comes almost entirely constructed--only the roof pieces and the side store sign need to be added. The bakery seems so much more reasonably sized once freed from its packing box!

All the additional pieces and accessories are packed inside two interior boxes along the floor of the bakery. First, though, I needed to remove the two horizontal cardboard supports (empty) on either side of the interior. It worked best to remove the right support, then the top long cardboard container of items, and then the left support, since the left support wanted to catch on the wall mounted black cooking rack hooks.

The top cardboard container, removed from bakery.

The top cardboard container holds a bag of goodies (primarily paper made goods), the La Patisserie sign for the side of the building, and the roof pieces.

The bottom three pieces connect to made the front facing roof and the remaining two the left and right sides.

The roof pieces, including window and window panes are all plastic. After snapping together the first three pieces, the roof snaps with the lower tabs into the top part of the roof. No tools need and I was able to add the roof in under three minutes.

The shop sign is entirely plastic. I do wish this one detail would have been metal. It will survive moderate bumps and jostles, but it is not as sturdy as I would like.

The first goodie bag!

Many more pictures to follow--closeups of the goodies in the photo above, but also the treasures to be found in the second interior packing box inside of the bakery!

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