
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

GOTY 2017: Gabriela's World of Dance

GOTY 2017 Gabriela's world of dance and movement wear is coming into focus.

A special thank you to Cdaizybug for sharing her photo with Poppets & Posies 

The jazz outfit on the left is perhaps is my favorite outfit for Gabriela so far, if mostly for the strong colors and and use of sequins. I clearly have a sequins problem. My guess is that the simple silver flats worn with the jazz ensemble will be included with the outfit and the darling silver tap shoes with coordinating purple bow will be a separate accessory.

In the middle is Gabriela's meet outfit but without the purple crop top with "Dream" on the front. I do like this outfit as casual separates and the shoes are great. The vanity tag still reads "American Girl" and I will be curious to see if this stands or if the actual release will have a "Gabriela" vanity tag.

Finally on the right is Gabriela's pajamas. This outfit just falls completely flat for me when I think of the cute bows, ruffles, embroidery and other touches often seen in AG pajama sets. I understand perhaps the character of Gabriela is not into frills and extras, but I see nothing but a stripped down rehash of AG's most boring pajamas of the past decade.

At the poppet's feet is Gabriela's kitten, who actually seems not as small as I originally thought. Not sure AG really executed well on the pet's face but a kitten is certainly a welcome accessory.

What do you think? Do you like the strong teal and purple theme in Gabriela's outfits? What other outfits do you think Gabriela needs to round out her debut?


  1. I love those blue and purple sneakers. And the basics of the meet outfit are fine. Better than the TM meet anyway. (not sure I'm all that fond of the Dream half shirt anyway. So nice I can just take it off)

    The pajamas are a complete miss here.

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