
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Limited Edition Z Yang?

Will Z from the Z.Crew stop-motion videos become a limited edition doll?

Z from one of her stop-motion videos

It is all rumors and speculation at this point, but AG has been making recent moves in the trademark arena that make me go hmmm. 

On October 217 2016 AG filed to have  Z's full name of "Z Yang"trademarked. While AG might just be nailing down some details around their stop-motion star, it should be noted she now has a first-and-last name trademarked just like all of AG's other 18" character dolls. In almost every case, once American Girl has gone through the effort to trademark a first-and-last name for a doll she has debuted as an actual doll for purchase.

Also on October 17, 2016 AG filed trademarks of new graphic logos for "Z Yang".


Even more curious, on November 23, 2016 AG applied for a trademark for Z's pet Dalmatian puppy Popcorn.

I will be the first to say the extra effort to clarify and trademark Z Yang and Popcorn could be just some housekeeping and dotting the the i's and crossing the t's on their stop-motion video character. But the added activity paired with earlier rumors of a limited edition Z doll seems to be pointing more and more toward this possibility being a reality.

Want to learn more about Z? Check out my growing Feature Page for Z!

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