
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Tenney and Logan Homecoming

Fun at AGPSF at the Tenney and Logan debut!

And at the end of all of and returning with us home is... tah-dah!

I was surprised it all fit in the one America Girl shopping bag. The majority of the purchase today was Tenney and Logan and accessories, but Kit and Maryellen also each got a new outfit as well. 

While Tenney was planned, I honestly did not make the final decision to purchase Logan until this morning as my husband and I drove together to the store. I was talking out loud in the car about the pros and cons of getting Logan, the two main set of issues being "I don't need a Logan. I am already buying a lot today. I could live with not getting a Logan." vs "Logan may not be around long. He's pretty special being the first boy. I think he would make a great manager (not canon, renamed, etc.) for Tenney's career."

So after all this babbling I turned to my husband as he was driving and asked him straight up if I should get Logan. He just smiled and chuckled and said yes, I probably should get Logan. Lol.

There are more outfits I hope to get for Tenney and Logan, especially the unreleased outfits seen in some of the American Girl marketing materials. Logan needs the bomber jacket and Tenney needs that black sequin dress!

Look at those cute faces! I can't wait to get them out of their boxes.


  1. Very neat. I am curious about their bums. I know they have removable underwear, but was wondering if it is the classic bottom style, or if it is the new one with one seam. Would love to get Tenney, but there are a few things I am curious about first. =) The new packaging does not speak to me at all, and if they have the new one seam bottom, then I am out. Thanks!

    1. I plan to post some pictures of their backside construction when I unbox them, probably tomorrow at the latest. We have a big (for our area) wind storm rolling through and I am not confident we will have electric service for the whole day at this rate of mini-flickers outages.

    2. Thank you!!!! I am also curious about the vinyl. I saw on another blog, that there was a Wellie with a face indented in, still in the box on the shelf at the store. Could just be an anomaly, but I checked our Wellie's and it would have to be something super heavy to do that to them. Our Wellie's vinyl was just like our historical doll's vinyl. We got them when they first came out, so maybe it has changed since then. Thanks!!!

    3. p.s. Hope you keep your electricity. It is not fun to be without! =)

  2. Nice photo shoot. Thank you for sharing I knew you would get them. I am most interested love with the Guitar, Banjo and Stage. The outfit with the Boots is on my list too. We got 2 Guitars on yesterday. I was (not) in love with Tenny enough to Buy her, but I am in love with her meet outfit, becasue of the Girls Outfit, which is 100.00 alone to match. If Tenny's meet was available separately I would have purchased it and the Girls to match. I plan to get all of Tenny's Collection for my Daughter's 7th Birthday,but it will all be utilized by Gabriela. I think Tenny's meet separate would sell well so Girls can make any Doll they love be Tenny. So sad they did not give Gabriela a stage like this first her Poetry and Tap Dancer Recitals. We will have to fix that with some wall paper. Enjoy, can wait to see more pictures of your new Treasures.
