
Friday, February 17, 2017

The Backside of the Story

Remember the "B" side of vinyl albums?

With all the rolling changes in the cloth torso construction and design it is now the new normal to take a look at the backside of the dolls to note any changes.

For my Tenney and Logan dolls it was not so much the construction or design of the torso that changed but for one doll, the fabric itself.

My Tenney doll, bought on debut day, features the familiar classic cloth torso with backside horizontal darts for a rounded firm shape. Her cloth is the familiar course weave.

My Logan doll, also bought on debut day, features the classic torso design with horizontal darts--but the fabric seems slightly different. The end of the dart (the furthest point from the vertical center seam) actually puckers and is more pointy with the new fabric and gives Logan's side-cheeks a less rounded shape and transition around the side. 

Upon inspection, the Logan fabric seems slicker and closer to a polyester feel as well as potentially thinner though I make no claims on the comparative strength or longevity between the two fabrics. (Note the color variation in the two photos is more due to camera lighting issues.)

Most noticeable is that instead of the clearly defined cross-hatched weave of Tenney's torso (left) Logan's weave is much tighter.

I did a quick comparison between Tenney and one of my more recent dolls, Samantha who was bought in 2013. Tenney's fabric weave and weight matches my Samantha doll's torso fabric. Logan's fabric is something new.

Late addition: Several people on other boards are identifying the new fabric being used as polished cotton broadcloth which is what OG seems to use. Consensus is that this fabric is less durable.


  1. Thanks for posting! I can see the difference in the fabric. Wondering if Logan's torso fabric is more like Our Generation maybe??

    1. I think you may be right. Several people on other boards are identifying the new fabric being used as polished cotton broadcloth which is what OG seems to use. Consensus is that this fabric is less durable. I will update the body of my post to reflect this. Thanks!

    2. We have some OG dolls and they are nice but they are also quite a bit cheaper than AG. It is the price that makes their fabric acceptable. Our OG dolls have worn just fine, but the fabric is definitely not as quality as the American Girl torsos we have. I am still considering Tenney, but was curious as to what you think of her vinyl? I guess I am just trying to decide if I really want her because I love her OR because she might be the last one they make with the higher quality supplies. Lol. Decisions, decisions. Thanks.

    3. After looking at our Target dolls.....their fabric seems to be a knit to me. Maybe is definitely not cotton. It doesnt seem to be woven either. It is slicker almost slicker feeling. I want to say maybe tricot knit?? Definitely more give than AG.

    4. Hi Lesley! I believe my Tenney has the usual good quality vinyl, no squish. Her arms are definitely firm. However, since AG has already said that later shipments of Tenney will have a "perma-panty" torso, I do recommend getting Tenney early to avoid getting the new body design and/or squish vinyl.

    5. Thanks Laura!! If I take the plunge it'll be in the next day or two. =)

  2. I've only just bought my first OG doll, and the fabric body reminded me of pantyhose. the Velcro catches a bit on it as well.

    1. That's exactly what OG bodies remind me of! Really thick pantyhose! Ugh, that's what Logan is like?
