
Friday, February 17, 2017

Truly Me Customizable Dolls

This is everywhere already on social media! Love It or Pass?

Me? Pass for now. My friends? A mix of both Love It and Pass.

I have such a full house of poppets that customization is not a priority or needed. Doubly so if the Customized Doll line is perma-panty. However, I could see doing a full 180 on this if the perma-panty and other quality issues were straightened out. How about you?


  1. First I've heard of this doll. Not sure I'll be buying anymore AG dolls with the quality not being there anymore. It's such a disappointment.

  2. I think it's an adorable idea for kids, but I agree with the the quality control issues and it doesn't appeal to me as an adult collector. It also take the magic away from those out there that like to do their own customizing. I guess the bottom line is that AG needs to continue to make money and now that there is so much competition out there in the 18 inch doll world this seems like a good move on their part. I would think kids would have a blast being able to create their own dolls because as diverse as the Truly Me line is, there are still different hair/skin/eye combos out there that aren't available and not every little kid has long, shiny flowing hair!

  3. Sorry to hear about the cheaper fabric for Logan, especially if this becomes the norm, like perma panties. Whether AG customizing dolls is good or not, for me, depends on the quality and choices given. AG Z crew stole the youngsters creative stopmotion ideas and I didn't like that. I'm sorry if some kids mind being copied in this too, but it is not really a theft of creative property this time, since the molds are AG's own.

  4. I kindof like it, though it does remind me of Barbie in the late late 90s early 2000s, they had customisable dolls then.

  5. It is a pretty cool idea, but it completely defeats the purpose of the truly me line and "finding" the doll that's just like you. I'm hoping that they keep the quality up though because I've been really disappointed with ag lately. I can see it being really fun for younger girls, might try it someday but it doesn't instantly jump out at me as something I really want to do.

  6. It's not something I am interested in for myself, especially since I have so many dolls already. I can see little girls getting excited about it, though.

  7. Did you notice that some of the items the doll in the photo is wearing look like already released pieces, but recolored? I'm sure people would have fun, not only making themselves, but their own characters, retired dolls and non-AG characters.
