
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

STEM and GOTY 2018 Luciana

American Girl Publishing has posted images of a new activity book full of out-of-this-world STEM themed crafts!

 Check out GOTY 2018 Luciana with a featured craft project--a space suit!

Make your own telescope for Luciana to study the skies! AND a Nasa branded tee--will this be a future Luciana tee?

Build a lunarscape or create your own space suit for Luciana!

 More STEM craft ideas! Lab equipment, petri dishes, and more!

Check out the link at the top of the navigation All About Luciana for more images and a summary of her upcoming collection.


  1. Can I use the image with Luciana in her galaxy themed dress if I give you credit?

  2. Most of the photos leaked of Luciana show her with brown eyes, but this first photo shows them looking more green. Either way, I’m in...but it’s got me really curious!

    1. With Tenney, Logan and Z we saw a fair amount of variation between some of the photographic materials (images for catalogs, advertisements, and on the boxes themselves) and the final doll. My best guess is sometimes marketing works with late-stage prototypes and some other changes happen before final doll production.

  3. When does this come out?? I have a STEM girl at home who is eyeing this book already.:)

    1. I don't know the date but it seems probable for January!

    2. Our Store has posted 1-1-18 as the release date.
