Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A Fair Blaire Compare

Lovely Blaire is shared with us today by the talented and generous @katesdollhouse! Thank you so much, Kate!

All photos by @katesdollhouse, used with permission.

Blaire has such striking coloring, especially her deep red hair against her fair skin. The extra light vinyl tone is a new one for American Girl which first debuted last year with the new blond boy, TM 74.

Comparing Blaire with Rebecca, the difference in vinyl tone is very marked. Rebecca looks almost sun-kissed in comparison. Btw, she looks adorable Blaire's Meet dress!

Lea has a medium vinyl tone and the contrast is even more between the two poppets. Blaire eyes are also a very deep olive green compared to Lea's hazel green eyes.

Blaire is certainly a unique doll even if we've seen many red heads before from the AG line up--her extra fair vinyl tone really gives me a classic Nordic/Germanic fairy tale heroine vibe. She would look adorable in a dirndl dress!

Thanks again, @katesdollhouse!


  1. Okay, these pictures are selling me. I thought I had the red hair covered with my custom Marie Grace, but the fair skin tone is perfect on Blaire. So pretty!

  2. The only thing I still can't get over are the new cheap eyes. These photos actually look quite lovely, but you can really see a difference when she's next to Rebecca. I wonder if an eye swap would be difficult? I would definitely get Blair if I knew I could handle switching out her eyes!

  3. I wish you would post something new! It's been so long!

  4. I have lots of different dolls in my collection but I cannot get to grips with the soft fabric bodied dolls. They look nice, and I can appreciate that young children would love them, but they are simply too chunky and to put it nicely, not for me.
    Big hugs,
